About Special Programs
Priority Charter Schools (PCS) is dedicated to improving results for scholars with disabilities PK4 through high school by providing academic, emotional/behavior, and social supports and interventions. PCS Special Program Department’s Goal is to collaborate with scholars and their parents to cultivate academic, social, independent, and functional skills that will enable our scholars to actively and successfully participate in this global society.
The Special Programs Department is made of seven (7) specialized programs:
- Special Education
- Section 504
- English as a Second Language (ESL)
- Multiple Tiered System of Support (MTSS)
- Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)
- Dyslexia
- Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Each of these specialized programs is designed to meet the specific educational need of individual scholars. Please visit the Special Program Department column to learn more about each specialized program.
The Special Program Department is made of a director, one-district ARD coordinator, one transition coordinator, campus dyslexia specialists, specialized teachers, and teacher assistants. Each program has a campus coordinator assigned so that scholars, parents, teachers, support staff, and principals can be provided with immediate response.
We recognize and encourage parent participation. It is an essential and vital element of the total education process. Together, parents and the school form a team to determine quality services for these exceptional scholars. We encourage parents to participate in meetings, ask questions, and work closely with their scholar’s teacher and school staff.

For more information, please contact
Lori Hensley, Executive Director of Special Programs
Stay Connected
Board Members: Norman Mitchell, Darrell Haden, Donna Haden, Devera Shipp, Jeff Buuck
Copyright © Priority Charter Schools